Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities (SEND)
"The support, both academically and emotionally, for pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities is of the highest quality." (Ofsted Report 2017) |
Our Intent
At St Thomas More we embrace the ethos of inclusion which is reflected in our Mission Statement. We believe that every child in our college should be encouraged, supported and challenged to reach their full potential, whatever their ability. We strive to create a community where pupils feel safe, valued, respected and to be able to make contributions to school life promoting self-esteem and resilience. We endeavour to help all children access a broad and balanced curriculum therefore enabling them to reach their full potential.
We are fully committed to providing the most appropriate support and intervention for each child with SEND and we work collaboratively with parents and a range of external partners in order to ensure pupils with SEND are identified, supported and included in all aspects of college life.
Please see our SEN Report
Please see our Accessibility Plan.
Please see the Local Offer
We achieve this through a whole school approach and a clear understanding that every teacher is a teacher of SEND. We focus on delivering quality first teaching, enabling all learners to achieve in the classroom through differentiation. Pupils with SEND are set targets in line with the highest performing learners wherever possible. Learners with SEND are fully included in the college improvement cycle of analysis, action, evaluation and review in order to build sustainable progress.
It is not assumed that a pupil has special educational needs just because they have fallen behind with their learning. For any learner who does fall behind, the appropriate provision and interventions are put in place, following the graduated approach of assess, plan, do review, in order to reduce the gaps in their learning. This includes:
-learners with SEND who are performing at or above age-related expectations.
-all learners who are performing below age-related expectations including learners with SEND
-all pupils who have a low reading age
Targeted intervention is available for groups of students with social, emotional or mental health issues
Intervention programmes for literacy and numeracy focus on key areas for development.
Our team of skilled teaching assistants work closely to employ strategies to support our pupils with SEND.
At St Thomas More we are committed to raising the attainment and lived experience of children with SEND.
Pupil voice:
‘The teaching assistants help me to understand the work’
‘I enjoy my intervention sessions’
‘Attending homework club helps me to manage my home learning’
‘The staff are kind and helpful’
‘I know where to go if I need support’
The ASD Resource Base, managed by the Local Authority, provides additional, specialised support for pupils on the autistic spectrum in order to support their ability to access mainstream lessons.
Information and Resources
The Greater Manchester Autism Consortium project is funded by the 10 councils of Greater Manchester and the 10 Clinical Commissioning Groups (local NHS organisations).
Their work includes: Delivery of the Greater Manchester Autism Strategy Providing information and advice to autistic people, families, carers and professionals in Greater Manchester Facilitating good practice sharing at events and workshops Delivering seminars for families of autistic children and teens on the topics of: Understanding Autism, Sensory Needs, Managing Anger and Transition to adulthood
Head of Learning Support: Miss J Kirk BSc, PGCE, M.Ed, PGCertSpLD
“…care for those in the greatest need is inspirational.”
(Section 48 inspection report 2013) |